Camping And Off Roading Trails


What is the best GPS for off roading?

Garmin Overlander is great choice. One awesome feature is that it allows you to enter your vehicles weight and it will make appropriate trail recommendations. 

What is the best tent for camping?
  • A lot of that choice will be personal preference and vehicle dependent. If you have a lower budget a ground tent will be a great option. 
  • For those that a larger SUV/Truck a Roof Top Tent is very capable and has many benefits. Our favorites are the 23zero Walkabout and Breezway series. 
Is onX offroad worth it?

It doesn’t have every accessible trail mapped in rich detail just yet, but onX said it adds about 4,000 miles of new trails every week across all 50 states, Mexico, and Baja. If getting off the beaten path is a lifestyle or budding interest, it seems well worth the $30 a year.

How much does onX Off Road cost?

onX Off Road is a yearly subscription of $39.99

How do you find a trail on Gaia GPS?

You can use the trail search page at to search for and discover offroad trails. Be sure to filter your results by Activity > 4X4.

What is the best vehicle for offroading?

At the end of the day your mode for transportation is limitless. It all has to do with what kind of terrain you are planning to travel on and the amount of financial resources you have.